Today’s Costa Rica adventure: touring and volunteering at Proyecto Asis Wildlife Rescue Center. Absolutely amazing – learned so much and also got to spend time caring for the animals. Heaven!
Getting to know the animals a little at the start of our visit.
Learning bonus…I had no idea cashews grew this way – lots of time and labor for each nut! And apparently the cashew apple can be eaten fresh, cooked or fermented into alcohol – I’ll have to add that to my list of things to try.
Carlos was a fantastic and knowledgeable guide who clearly loves all of the animals he cares for. He showed everyone how to prep the different foods for each animal – each one had a separate basket, and we needed to learn which food should go in each, and how it should be cut.
Feeding time! For some animals, you’d go right inside the cage to feed them – for others, you stood outside.
Feeding the monkeys was the unanimous highlight. They’d take the food right out of your hand – sometimes they’d even trick you by distracting you and then grabbing everything you had!
This was a truly memorable experience – I’d highly recommend it if you have the chance!
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