The next adventure begins…off to Iceland! We were grateful to escape a summer heatwave for The Land of Fire and Ice. From Boston to Reykjavik – where the airport logo looked suspiciously like the Kronos logo – work following me on vacation!
We eased into our morning with a stop for an amazing bakery breakfast in Reykjavik – lots of fellow bleary-eyed travelers seeking sustenance after the overnight flight. DEE-licious! Then a little window shopping on Laugvegur Street.
We wanted to get right into it with a drive east towards some of the natural wonders of Iceland. But jet lag beat us – we ended up finding a lovely spot for a roadside family car nap. Lupine up past our knees!
After resting up, we made it to Pingvellir National Park – birthplace of Iceland’s Parliament, and formed by the rift between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates – the only place in the world where the rift is above sea level. Pretty awe-inspiring! A short hike brought us to Oxarafoss Waterfall – we’d soon learn that this would be one of the smaller ones we’d see.
A fitting final activity…relaxing in the hot springs at Laugarvatn Fontana Spa – just steps from our Airbnb digs. And to top it off, a good comfort food meal to end the day (not that the days end in Iceland in the summer!)…while watching the World Cup (England vs. Columbia) with the locals. We will sleep well tonight (with blackout shades drawn and sleep masks firmly in place)!